..He opened his eyes and there he was. Standing on the roof of the tallest skyscraper in town. Surrounded by the cold concrete walls and the sound of police sirens he stood there calmly. But no, he was not having second thoughts. He was looking at the sunset, which was slowly bringing the day to the end and of course a beginning to the new one. Although he was alone but he sure wasn't lonely. He had almost everything a man could think of: loving family, friends and good wealth. Well, at least he thought so. But that particular evening none of these things mattered. The only thing he could think of was the first part of the day. The part which lead him to this roof, to these thoughts he is having there. This takes us back few hours. It was an early Monday morning. The sun was already making an appearance after a dark rainy night. As a family man, he kissed his wife before leaving, took his children to school and headed for work. Instead of taking the usual road which was although a shorter but more crowded way to work he decided to take a highway instead. The man arrived ten minutes earlier than usual: -Oh that's great!, - he thought and rushed to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee through the wide, grey, a little bit boring corridors. Walking through them every day for the last 17 years got him thinking about something new. Because, even him, as I like to call him, routine-guy, thought 17 years is a long time spent in the same place. But that building he was working in was a special place. He got his first pay-check there, met his wife and mother of his children, who back in the days was his boss. But he had his way with the women. He got his way to her and never regretted that moment. As he reached the cafeteria many thoughts were crossing his mind but a cup of coffee wasn't one of them. The man was standing in front of the glass doors, he glanced and looked into the reflection of his. He realized it was time. It was time for him to do something else. And he knew what's that going to be. He quit his job that day. "-Finally, I can do something I have dreamed of for a long time. I will come back home, pack up my things and take my wife for a road trip like we were 20 once again." Not being able to think about anything else he got home in a blink of the eye. He parked his car, walked up to the door and slowly opened them. As he stepped inside he noticed it was incredibly silent and he instantly felt very nervous like he already knew what's going to happen. The man knew that at this time of the day his wife were supposed to be washing and cleaning the house but she wasn't. As he was walking up the stairs, still feeling nervous, he peeked at his favorite wedding photo where he holds his wife tight in his arms and smiling like a little boy. No matter how sad he was, that photo made him smile every time the man looked at it. Just as the photo got out of his vision and the stairs ended he got to the bedroom where the husband saw her. She was lying there all covered in blood with no signs of breathing. Despite that there was blood everywhere, he got to her, checked the pulse and hugged his wife for the very last time. Full of disappointment, sadness and completely scared he called an ambulance and ran away with the tears in his eyes. The tears which meant that he lost the love of his life, the only person he could trust. As the day was slowly passing by he arrived at his favorite place. The roof of the tallest skyscraper in town. The roof where they first kissed. After taking the last two floors on foot and catching his breath, he was standing at the same place he was the night they kissed. He closed his eyes and prayed that it would only be just a dream.. He opened his eyes and there he was..